Sunday, December 20, 2015

What are the differences between GSLV and PSLV?

Meet my friends, Polar:

And Geo:

I asked both of them to throw a 1 kg stone up in the air. Whose stone will go higher?
If everything is right, then normally Geo's stone will go higher than Polar's. Right?
Now if you ask Polar to throw a 0.3 kg stone, he may be able to achieve the same height as Geo's 1 kg stone. Whereas, Geo maybe able to throw three or four 1 kg stones to the same height as achieved by Polar's 1 kg stone.
This is the basic difference between GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) and PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle).

Both PSLV and GSLV are the satellite-launch vehicles (rockets) developed by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

PSLV is used for delivering various satellites to Low Earth Orbits. It is designed mainly to deliver the “earth-observation” or “remote-sensing” satellites with lift-off mass of up to about 1750 Kg to Sun-Synchronous circular polar orbits of 600-900 Km altitude. 

The remote sensing satellites orbit the earth from pole-to-pole (at about 98 deg orbital-plane inclination). An orbit is called sun-synchronous when the angle between the line joining the centre of the Earth and the satellite and the Sun is constant throughout the orbit.

Due to their sun-synchronism nature, these orbits are also referred to as “Low Earth Orbit (LEO)” which enables the on-board camera to take images of the earth under the same sun-illumination conditions during each of the repeated visits, the satellite makes over the same area on ground thus making the satellite useful for earth resources monitoring.

Apart from launching the remote sensing satellites to Sun-synchronous polar orbits, the PSLV is also used to launch the satellites of lower lift-off mass of up to about 1400 Kg to the elliptical Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO).

PSLV is a four-staged launch vehicle with first and third stage using solid rocket motors and second and fourth stages using liquid rocket engines. It also uses strap-on motors to augment the thrust provided by the first stage, and depending on the number of these strap-on boosters, the PSLV is classified into its various versions like core-alone version (PSLV-CA), PSLV-G or PSLV-XL variants.

Launch of PSLV C26 (XL variant) on October 16, 2014.
Image Source: PSLV-C26 Gallery

The PSLV is one of world's most reliable launch vehicles. It has been in service for over twenty years and has launched various satellites for historic missions like Chandrayaan-1, Mars Orbiter Mission, Space Capsule Recovery Experiment, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) etc. PSLV remains a favourite among various organisations as a launch service provider and has launched over 40 satellites for 19 countries. In 2008 it created a record for most number of satellites placed in orbit in one launch by launching 10 satellites into various Low Earth Orbits.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Love Mathematics? Pursue These Well Paying Careers

As most major companies are focusing towards data-driven technologies such big data, business intelligence and cloud computing to increase their competitiveness, those with excellent number skills don’t have to wait for very long to find high-paying and high growth jobs. The importance of good mathematicians cannot be downplayed any more. It takes a good mathematician to understand the complexities of any business.
RankJob TitleMedian Pay%Math MajorsMost Common Degree Level
1Data Scientist,IT$109,7008%Bachelor’s
2Quantitative Analyst$103,30014%Master’s

Here are some well paying careers for those good with numbers:
Image Source : Shutterstock
Image Source : Shutterstock

Data Scientist

With the rise of new and innovative technologies like Big Data we are also witnessing the growth of the job title Data Scientist.  It is not that data scientists are exclusively tied to working on Big Data, there are other fields as well which require their help. In its truest sense, a data scientist’s role has evolved from that of a business or data analyst. Therefore, the formal training required for this role is computer science engineering, along with excellent knowledge of mathematics, particularly topics like modeling, statistics, and analytics. Some people call data scientist as a mix of analyst and artist. According to Anjul Bhambhri, vice president of big data products at IBM, “A data scientist is somebody who is inquisitive, who can stare at data and spot trends. It's almost like a Renaissance individual who really wants to learn and bring change to an organization."
Data Scientists are a part of the IT industry and have a median pay of $109,700, highest amongst the professions. In the current scenario 8% of the data scientist professionals are qualified Maths major.

Quantitative Analyst

The job of a quantitative analyst is quite lucrative financially. It is also very intellectually stimulating and there is tough competition, particularly if you are looking for jobs in top tier corporate companies and investment banks. Being good at mathematics is the simple most requirements for any quantitative role. However, the best jobs in quant go to the one who is highly qualified such as a PhD in a mathematical discipline. Some topics related to mathematical finance, such as probability stochastic calculus, statistical analysis and machine learning are particularly important for candidates pursuing this career. Alternatively, one can pursue a Masters course in Mathematical finance to get an entry as quantitative analyst.   Having a natural mathematical ability is an indispensable requirement for this career to be successful.
A quantitative analyst gets around $103,300 median annual salary which is the second highest in this list. 14% of Maths major go on to become a quant analyst.


Actuary is a peculiar career as one has to deal with the stress of estimating how many people are going to die. This can be understood as follows; actuaries evaluate the probability of events and quantify the contingent outcomes so as to minimize the impact of financial losses associated with uncertain and undesirable events. Death is the highest form of such an event which is unavoidable and thus predicting when this event occurs minimizes the financial impact. Assessing these risksrequires logical reasoning skills, and quantifying data.  Actuarial professionals have a salary which is linearly proportional to their tenure. 33 % of actuaries are Maths graduates, and have at least a bachelor’s degree. The annual median salary of actuaries is around $97,900.
The profession has another related branch which is senior actuarial analyst who gets paid an annual median salary of $86,600. 40% of these professionals are Maths graduate.
Image Source : Shutterstock
Image Source : Shutterstock


Statisticians are essentially mathematicians who deal with collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of quantitative information.  There is a huge demand of statisticians in various sectors such as health, government, transportation, sport, market research and finance. Their work responsibilities involve interpreting data and communicating results to their clients.  There are some studies that take a few months to complete while others take a little longer such as a year or more. The studies conducted by statisticians have the capability of affecting the directions of their respective industries. The annual median salary of statistician is $82,200 and it requires at least a master’s in maths to make it big in this industry as a statistician.


It is a straightforward choice for a person who has an affinity for mathematics. You will have to solve a lot of quantitative problems in this profession throughout dozens of industries. To ensure you are made for this course, just know that you are a perfect fit for the same. The easiest way for making this sure is by taking an online aptitude test. It will aptly let you know of your abilities and aptitude for a career in mathematics. According to the PayScale, Mathematician get paid around $81,700 as an annual media salary. Around 70% of Math graduates go on to become a mathematician. If you wish to work as a mathematician in the engineering domain, you can refer technical seminar topics and presentations where various industry experts have explained in detail about the application of maths in various fields of science and technology.

Top Paying Mathematics Related Careers

Pursuing a career in mathematics often leads to lucrative salary packages, especially for those who proceed to complete a masters or a doctorate in the same. This is because; those who are unafraid to showcase their skills generally turn out to become “math geeks” with an expertise in data, numbers, and spreadsheets.
According to a report by PayScale, the average salary for a math major is USD 70,900 whereas college grads earn about USD 58,600 annually. Your number-crunching talents will definitely be of value here.
For math enthusiasts, read up to find out the best jobs that are at your disposal, with opportunities waiting to be grabbed:
  1. Economist
The annual median salary of an economist is $91,210.
Their work entails studying and analyzing the effects of different resources like labor, land, and raw materials on pricing, and their relationship with industry and government.
  1. Stockbroker
Their annual average salary is $72,484.
Their job profile entails the purchase and sale of bonds, stocks, and other securities for institutional and individual clients.
  1. Tax Collector
The average annual salary of a tax collector is $50,210.
He is responsible for determining the tax liability and collecting taxes from businesses or other individuals.
  1. Insurance Underwriter
Their average annual salary is $61,182.
They basically assess and analyze the various risks present in potential policy holders before making recommendations to the companies (insurance) that hire them.
  1. Accountant
Their average annual salary is $63,175.
An accountant is responsible for preparing and analyzing the financial reports that assist managers in industry, business, and government.

  1. This is one of the highest paying jobs in the field of mathematics. The average annual salary of an astronomer is $96,228.
Astronomers use the principles of mathematics and physics to glean the workings of the universe. It is one of the most exciting professions in the world.
  1. Meteorologist
The average annual salary of a meteorologist is $90,183.
They study the motions, physical characteristics, and processes of Earth’s atmosphere.
  1. Statistician
The average annual salary of a statistician is $74,200.
He is responsible for tabulating, analyzing, and interpreting the numeric results of surveys and experiments.
  1. Financial Planner
Highly paid, a financial planner can make up to $107,222 annually.
This job profile is related to careers in portfolio management. A financial planner offers a wide range of services that are meant to assist individuals in planning and managing their financial future.
  1. Actuary
An actuary earns an average annual salary of $91,211.
Their job is to interpret statistics so as to determine probabilities of sickness, accidents, death, and loss of property from natural disasters and theft.
  1. Aerospace Engineer
The average annual salary of an aerospace engineer is $102,420.
There work is more mechanical. They need to design spacecraft’s and planes to be used by astronomers. It is quite a prestigious career.
  1. Mathematician
A professional mathematician can expect to earn about $94,160 annually.
This is the best career option for those who major in mathematics. You need to solve problems. The kind that have a potential to change the world.
  1. Computer Scientists
They earn an average salary of $103,160 per annum.
Computer scientists resolve complex problems by working on and programming the core components of computer systems.
  1. Others
Data Scientist: $109,700.
Quantitative Analyst: $103,300.
Data Modeler: $91,200.
Senior Actuarial Analyst: $86,600.
Statistical Analyst: $74,700.
The aforementioned salaries have been quoted in accordance with the figures cited by PayScale and BLS. For a successful career in this line of work all you have to do is to specialize in a particular field of mathematics and you are good to go. You can actually pick your choice of employment depending on your interest.
There are several companies that are happy to employ mathematicians at the drop of a hat. The list can be obtained from various online job portals. If you are talented enough and have the right skill set, you will definitely take home a healthy paycheck.
All the best!

Mathematics as a Career Path

Mathematics as a career choice has been picking up among the students of India since the last couple of years. But sadly, very few students are aware fully of the scope they have to study in India. Most go for the local colleges and Universities in their neighbourhood. In this article we shall discuss the avenues that are open to students after they pass their 12th class in India.
India has a rich tradition in math since time immemorial, and this has led to the establishments of various centres of learning in math and related sciences. In the present day too, there are various institutes offering math education and research of world repute in India. Typically the road to an education in math starts after passing the 12th class in India. A student then has the opportunity to either opt for a BSc degree or an Integrated MSc degree or a BS degree or an Integrated MS degree.
The two best places in India offering a Bachelor’s degree in math are the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bangalore and the Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), Chennai. ISI offers a B.Math degree, and admissions are held after a tough screening test in various centres of India held in late May each year followed by a personal interview at Bangalore. CMI offers a BSc degree in Mathematics and Computer Science and another in Mathematics and Physics, admissions to which is through a written test held in various centres of India in late May each year, which may be followed up by an interview later. Both ISI and CMI also admit students who have qualified in the Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO). For ISI they also have to attend an interview in Bengaluru. For ISI the interview takes place at Bengaluru. Added to that CMI also admits students who have qualified in the Indian National Olympiad in Informatics (INOI) and Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO). The INMO is held every year on the first Sunday of February. But to appear in the INMO, one has to pass the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) which is held in various centres throughout India in December every year. Similarly to appear in INPhO one has to pass National Standard Exam in Physics(NSEP) and for INOI one has to pass either of Zonal Computing Olympiad(ZCO) or Zonal Informatics Olympiad(ZIO).
A student can also opt for a BS degree in math, which is a 4 year course. At present the two best places in India for a BS degree are the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. IIT admits students via the JEE Advanced held every year in April-May. While IISc admits students via the JEE Mains, JEE Advanced and Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY). The KVPY is held every year in November for students in classes 11th, 12th and UG 1st year.
A student can also opt for an integrated BS-MS dual degree course in math offered at the Indian Institutes of Science and Education Research(IISERs) which is a 5 year course. The IISERs are located in Pune, Mohali, Kolkata, Bhopal and Trivandrum. The IISERs admit students via KVPY, JEE Advanced. One may also apply via marks in board exams and then writing the IISER entrance exam which is held in mid July in the five IISERs. The marks in board exams depends on the INSPIRE cutoff for the respective boards.
After the BSc/BMath/BS degrees a student has the opportunity to get an MSc or an MS degree from the many places in India and abroad. They can also apply for an Integrated MSc-PhD degree offered at some places in India. Ideally the best places in India for a Masters degree in math are mentioned below:
  • CMI, through admission test held in late May
  • ISI, Kolkata or Bengaluru through admission test held in late May
For Integrated MSc-PhD programmes the best places are:
  • Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai and Bangalore admits through a written test held in May and followed by an interview
  • IISc, Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. (JAM) followed by an interview at IISc
  • The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai admits through the National Board of Higher Mathematics (NBHM) exam followed by an interview
  • Harish Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad admits through the NBHM exam followed by an interview
  • IISERs (Pune, Mohali, Trivandrum, Bhopal, Kolkata) also has a good Integrated MS-PhD course and they admit students either via their own exams or NBHM
If a student wants to opt for an Integrated MSc in math then the best place in India is the University of Hyderabad, which admits students through a written test held in early June. Various other central universities also have the Integrated programme, amongst them the best curriculum after the University of Hyderabad is at the Pondicherry University and Tezpur University. In recent years, many new Central Universities have also started this course.
A student can also opt for an Integrated MS degree offered at present by the IISERs, and also at the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) at Bhubaneswar and Centre for Basic Sciences (CBS) at Mumbai. The IISERs admits students via JEE Advanced, KVPY and through board exam performances. While NISER and CBS admits students through the National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) held every year in early June.
After a Masters degree, a student can pursue a PhD. The best places in India to get a PhD in math are TIFR, IMSc and HRI. Normally these institutes (except TIFR which has its own exam) accept students who have cleared either NBHM or the CSIR JRF exam followed by an interview. Students who have been awarded INSPIRE Fellowships by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), GoI may also be called for interviews at these institutes. Apart from these, CMI, ISI, IISc, IISERs and NISER also has a very highly ranked PhD programme.
Students studying at all the above institutes are paid fellowships of Rs.5000 for the Bachelors students, Rs.5000-Rs.7000 to the Masters Students by the DST and around Rs.12000-Rs.18000 for the PhD students. In CMI PhD students are paid Rs. 26000-28000 for PhD and Rs. 9000 for M.Sc. But recent hike in fellowship for PhD students mean that they might be paid as high as Rs. 26000 in the coming session onwards.
In this article we have only focused on the best institutes in India. There are many other quite good places to study mathematics. Among them mention may be made of the Institute of Mathematics and Applications (IMA) at Bhubaneswar and the University of Delhi.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Things that made Jobs a great CEO.

These are the things that made Jobs a great CEO:
1. A Vision.
Jobs had always been a visionary first and then CEO. He had the vision of delivering cool to the people and make them feel more and do more by themselves. That vision was his fuel. That's what drove him forward. It was his vision that made him see things that others had missed.
2. The Ability to Learn.
Jobs always had the desire to learn about things that got his interest on the go. For that, he learned to change the three basic things one needs to in order to learn the true nature, the true design of everything. Those three things were understanding, attitude and behaviour. Jobs knew this very well that design is all about how it works rather than about how it looks.
3. The Ability to Lead.
As we all know it, Jobs always wanted to be important and that's what drove him forward to learn the principles of leadership. Jobs had learned to acquire the ability to convince almost anyone.
4. The Ability to Recruit.
Jobs found this part to be the most challenging thing to do. In his early days, he wasn't that good with this skill and he faced many difficulties because of that and even got fired from his own company. But that didn't stop him there. It only took him forward to start two more successful companies but this time, in a wiser and better way.
5. The Ability to Improvise.
The ability to improvise and to learn go hand in hand. Steve knew it well that mistakes are something that no one should be afraid of. He knew that mistakes only make a man more experienced. And the better the experience, the better is the judgment.
6. The Ability to Manage.
Steve always kept on learning to be a good manager. He always kept track of time and the market. He always knew what the people needed and he was always after delivering it to them. For him, details mattered a lot and it was worth waiting to get them right. And he would always deliver the thing that the people actually wanted even if it cost more than the other products in the market.
7. The Ability to Present.
Steve's Presentation Skills are always appreciated by everyone. Presentation was something that Steve focused a lot upon. He always used to present it like a magician pulling out a rabbit out of his hat. He always made people wonder what his next venture was. Plus, he knew the magic trick behind bringing the hidden smiles on their faces.

Mathematics: What is the most beautiful theorem proof, and why?

I am sure that there are some out there that would say that this does not constitute a proof, but I have always found this to be a beautifu...