Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Things that made Jobs a great CEO.

These are the things that made Jobs a great CEO:
1. A Vision.
Jobs had always been a visionary first and then CEO. He had the vision of delivering cool to the people and make them feel more and do more by themselves. That vision was his fuel. That's what drove him forward. It was his vision that made him see things that others had missed.
2. The Ability to Learn.
Jobs always had the desire to learn about things that got his interest on the go. For that, he learned to change the three basic things one needs to in order to learn the true nature, the true design of everything. Those three things were understanding, attitude and behaviour. Jobs knew this very well that design is all about how it works rather than about how it looks.
3. The Ability to Lead.
As we all know it, Jobs always wanted to be important and that's what drove him forward to learn the principles of leadership. Jobs had learned to acquire the ability to convince almost anyone.
4. The Ability to Recruit.
Jobs found this part to be the most challenging thing to do. In his early days, he wasn't that good with this skill and he faced many difficulties because of that and even got fired from his own company. But that didn't stop him there. It only took him forward to start two more successful companies but this time, in a wiser and better way.
5. The Ability to Improvise.
The ability to improvise and to learn go hand in hand. Steve knew it well that mistakes are something that no one should be afraid of. He knew that mistakes only make a man more experienced. And the better the experience, the better is the judgment.
6. The Ability to Manage.
Steve always kept on learning to be a good manager. He always kept track of time and the market. He always knew what the people needed and he was always after delivering it to them. For him, details mattered a lot and it was worth waiting to get them right. And he would always deliver the thing that the people actually wanted even if it cost more than the other products in the market.
7. The Ability to Present.
Steve's Presentation Skills are always appreciated by everyone. Presentation was something that Steve focused a lot upon. He always used to present it like a magician pulling out a rabbit out of his hat. He always made people wonder what his next venture was. Plus, he knew the magic trick behind bringing the hidden smiles on their faces.

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