Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What are some unsolved problems in astronomy?

Everybody's questions are very interesting. Here are some more:

Will a spacecraft that we send out ever touch E.T life?

How do dark matter and dark energy come together and expand the universe ever so slowly?

How will settle on Mars? (Is their a full-thought plan ready to put in effect..?)

How did the Great Red Spot on Jupiter form, and why it is starting to show signs of dying? 

Is it possible to land on Europa? If it is, what can we learn from Jupiter's moon?

Will there be a huge solar flare from the sun (X-Class) that could stop everything on earth?

If we compare all these earth-like planets (found by the Kepler Telescope), will we get a total understanding of our planet?

**Why is the outer layer of the sun MUCH MUCH warmer than the photosphere (the part that we can see from the earth, which is around 6000K)**

How do we classify something in space as a star or a brown dwarf? Does this rule apply for all stars and brown dwarfs?

Including the earth, what percent of the entire milky way contains planets and planetesimals that have some form of water?

Where does our solar system actually end? And where does Interstellar space begin. (The Voyager 1 Controversy)

How do black holes form? Are they at the center of every galaxy?

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