Monday, August 24, 2015

Is the mass of the Earth constant?

On a local perspective the mass of earth is both increasing and decreasing:
Increasing : because of the meteorites that collapse on earth each seconds and add its matter ( hydrogyn, water, metals ) to the mass of the earth
Decreasing : because of the gazes that escape the atmosphere, actually the gazes that have very light mass like hydrogyn and helium are barely affected by the gravity of the earth and because they are light , they are pushed up to the moment they are no longer affected by the gravity , Also the earth radiates energy to space , and using Einstein formula you can conclude that there are some mass wasted in this radiation
On the global perspective , unfortunately earth is missing mass more than it is gaining so yeah the mass of the earth is decreasing
The good news thought, that the sun will become a red giant and vaporise the earth before that the decreasing of its mass become noticeable

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