Monday, August 24, 2015

What are some most amazing facts about the International Space Station?

1. It took an astounding 136 space flights on seven different types of launch vehicles to build it.

2. It flies at 4.791 miles per second (7.71 km/s). That's fast enough to go to the Moon and back in about a day.

3. It weighs almost 1 million pounds including visiting spacecraft. Picture 120,000 gallons of milk in supermarket cartons in your mind.

4. It has 8 miles of wire just to connect the electrical power system. That will be enough to connect a hairdryer in Newark, New Jersey, to a power plug in New York City.

5. It has a complete surface area the size of a US football field, which actually makes it almost as large as the Tantive IV, the Corellian Corvette that carried Princess Leia.

6. It has more livable space than a 6-bedroom house.
7. It has two bathrooms, a gymnasium and a 360-degree bay window.

8. It's been the spaceport for 89 Russian Soyuz spacecraft, 37 Space Shuttle missions, three SpaceX Dragons, four Japanese HTV cargo spacecraft, and four European ATV cargo spacecraft.
9. All its research experiments and spacecraft systems are housed in a bit more than one hundred telephone-booth sized racks.

10. The US solar array surface area on the is 38,400 sq. feet (.88 acre), which is large enough to cover 8 basketball courts

A view of Earth from International Space Station.

11. According to NASA, "there are 52 computers controlling the ISS." Just for the US segment, there are "1.5 million lines of flight software code run on 44 computers communicating via 100 data networks transferring 400,000 signals."
12. Its internal pressurized volume is 32,333 cubic feet, which is about the same of a Jumbo Boeing 747.

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